Dealer Login Sign-up Walkthrough

This walkthrough is for Dealers that would like help with the sign-up process for the Gold Acceptance Website. If you have not received an email regarding your login identification from Gold Accteptance, please contact Gold Acceptance to receive an invitation email.

Note: if you do not know your Dealer Code, which will be needed for you to sign-up, please contact Gold Acceptance to retrieve your Dealer Code.

Step 1: Once you have received the invitation email, click the link to start your sign-up process.

Step 2: Type in your Dealer Code provided by Gold Acceptance in the appropriate section. Create a username of your choice that is at least 8 characters long in the appropriate section. Create a password that is at least 6 characters, with at least 1 letter and 1 number in the appropriate section. Retype the password that you have created in the next section. Finally, retype the characters that is displayed in the image, if you cannot read the characters you can click "Generate New Image" to get a new image.

Step 3: Once you have successfully created a login, you will be redirected to the Gold Acceptance Dealer Login page. Here you can type in your username and password that you have just created to access the Dealer Dashboard.

Dealer Sign-up Errors: Back to Top
If you come across an error after submitting your sign-up form, please choose the appropriate error so that it can be solved. If you have any questions or continue to have errors, please contact Gold Acceptance at 1-800-888-5330.

Dealer Code Error: Please check your Dealer Code and make sure you have inputted your Dealer Code correctly. If you do not remember your Dealer Code, please contact Gold Acceptance at 1-800-888-5330.

Invalid Username Error: Invalid Username, please create a username that is at least 8 characters long.

Invalid Password Error: Invalid Password, please create a password that is at least 6 characters long, with at least 1 letter and at least 1 number.

Passwords do not Match Error: Please make sure that you type your password exactly the same as you did in the previous section.

Inavlid Phrase Error: Invalid Phrase, please make sure you type the characters exactly like it is in the image. If you cannot read the characters, click "Generate New Image" to get a new image.

Not Authorized Error: Your sign-up link is expired, please contact Gold Acceptance at 1-800-888-5330 to obtain a new invitation request.

Recover Password: Back to Top
If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the "Forgot Password" link on the Gold Acceptance Website so you can recover your password. You need to know your Username to recover your password.

Recover Password: To recover your password, input your Username into the appropriate section. If you typed in a valid Username and clicked "Recover Login", you will be sent an email to set-up a new Password. If you do not know your Username, you need to contact Gold Acceptance so that they can send you a new invitation email.

If you continue to have errors, please contact Gold Acceptance, at 1-800-888-5330, so that your problems can be resolved. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.

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